† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11465013 and 11375041), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 20151BAB212012 and 20161BAB201013), and the International Science and Technology Cooperation Program of China (Grant No. 2015DFA61800).
In this paper, a pulsed-dc CH3OH/Ar plasma jet generated at atmospheric pressure is studied by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and optical emission spectroscopy (OES). A gas–liquid bubbler system is proposed to introduce the methanol vapor into the argon gas, and the CH3OH/Ar volume ratio is kept constant at about 0.1%. Discharge occurs in a 6-mm needle-to-ring gap in an atmospheric-pressure CH3OH/Ar mixture. The space-resolved distributions of OH LIF inside and outside the nozzle exhibit distinctly different behaviors. And, different production mechanisms of OH radicals in the needle-to-ring discharge gap and afterglow of plasma jet are discussed. Besides, the optical emission lines of carbonaceous species, such as CH, CN, and C2 radicals, are identified in the CH3OH/Ar plasma jet. Finally, the influences of operating parameters (applied voltage magnitude, pulse frequency, pulsewidth) on the OH radical density are also presented and analyzed.
Low-temperature atmospheric-pressure plasma jets (LT-APPJs) excited by pulsed-dc power source have attracted considerable attention and shown significant promise in lots of practical applications, including plasma medical, environmental control, and organic synthesis.[1–7] In the listed applications, molecular gases, such as O2, H2O, and air are usually admixed into the noble working gas to increase radical species density. Among them, OH is considered to be one of the strongest oxidative species produced in humid-air plasma and a dominant reactive agent in the practical applications. Feed gas humidity and operating parameters are identified as the key factors that strongly influence the OH formation mechanism and absolute density in APPJ. Recently, organic synthesis using methanol as carbon-based organic molecule by LT-APPJs has received more and more attention.[7] Further, the physicochemical mechanism of methanol dissociation is crucial to practical applications. Small fragments, such as OH, CH3, CH2OH, and CH3O, are the direct products of methanol dissociation by energetic electrons and long-life metastable atoms. Therefore, it is of great importance to study the reaction mechanism of OH production in atmospheric CH3OH/Ar plasma jet.
The measurements of OH absolute density and the effect of water content in working gas on plasma discharge have already been addressed by absorption and/or LIF spectroscopy, and numerical simulation.[8–14] For instance, Bruggeman et al.[8] measured the absolute OH densities by broadband UV absorption in atmospheric He/H2O RF glow discharges and found that OH densities and gas temperatures range between 6 × 1019 m−3 and 4 × 1020 m−3 and between 345 K and 410 K respectively, for different powers and water content values. Verreycken et al.[9] reported OH production in a cold atmospheric-pressure Ar–H2O RF discharge jet by temporally and spatially resolved LIF. The gas temperature and OH density in the afterglow of pulsed positive corona discharge were also measured using LIF.[10,11] Li et al.[12] studied the effect of water addition on the OH radical production by LIF in an Ar–H2O atmospheric plasma jet. They concluded that the highest density of 1.15 × 1020 m3 is measured in the closest distance to the plasma core for the case of 0.3% H2O. Besides, the effect of water content on OH production in an atmospheric helium-air plasma jet is numerically studied by a two-dimensional (2D) fluid model.[13] Liu et al.[14] studied the formation mechanism of OH radicals in a pulsed-dc plasma jet by a 2D model and a one-dimensional (1D) discharge model. In most of these studies, the plasma jets were often operated in a humid environment and/or extra water that was added to the working gas flow.
In this paper, an atmospheric-pressure CH3OH/Ar plasma jet produced between needle-to-ring electrodes is investigated. The methanol vapor is artificially introduced into the argon working gas through the liquid-gas bubbler system. The LIF diagnostic system is adopted to capture the spatially resolved distribution of OH radicals within a quartz tube and in the plasma afterglow. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) is used to identify various reactive species in the CH3OH/Ar plasma jet. Besides, the variation of absolute OH density with operating parameter is also presented and discussed.
A schematic diagram of the experiment set is shown in Fig.
The LIF diagnostic system has been described in our previous publications,[14–16] and will be briefly summarized here. A dye laser (Radiant Dyes, NarrowScan) pumped by a YAG: Nd laser (Continuum, SURELITE III-10) is used to excite the OH radicals at 532 nm with 100 μJ per pulse. The laser dye is Rhodamine 6G. The laser wavelength is chosen to be 282. 6 nm which is the P1(2) branch of the OH (A→X) (1→0) band. The laser beam has a frequency of 10 Hz and a pulse duration of 7 ns (FWHM). As can be seen in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. Time-dependent typical applied voltage Va, the total current Ion (plasma on), displacement current Ioff (no plasma), and actual discharge current Idis at CH3OH/Ar ratio of 0.1%. |
The ring-shaped OH distributions in the afterglow plasma jets were also reported by previous papers.[12,16,17] The OH radicals can be produced by a large number of mechanisms, which depend on plasma properties. Furthermore, in LT-APPJs discharge with low ionization (10−5–10−4), the main reaction pathways to generating the OH radicals are the electron dissociation of H2O[18]
However, in our work, there is another channel for the OH production in our methanol containing an atmospheric argon plasma jet. The possible pathways in the CH3OH/Ar plasma are highly complicated, and the primary plasma reactions are listed in Table
![]() | Table 1. Possible reaction pathways in atmospheric CH3OH/Ar plasma discharge . |
OES is used to detect various excited species generated by the CH3OH/Ar plasma in a wavelength range from 300 nm to 850 nm as shown in Fig.
An improved OH radical decay model is proposed to obtain the absolute density of OH radicals in APPJ,[14–16] in which both main OH loss mechanisms produced by chemical reaction and the effect of gas flow are considered. More detailed descriptions of this OH decay model can be found in our previous reports. However, in our work, the reaction-rate data for the OH loss reactions in CH3OH/Ar plasma are unclear in the literature. For instance, the R14 reaction in Table
In this work, we present LIF and OES measurements of an atmospheric-pressure CH3OH/Ar plasma jet. It is shown that OH LIF emission is relatively uniform in the needle-to-ring discharge gap. However, OH LIF signals show the ring-shaped distribution in the afterglow of plasma jet. Besides, the OH LIF emission intensity inside the nozzle is stronger than that in the afterglow of plasma jet. Distinct types of space-resolved behaviors of OH LIF emission may be attributed to the different production mechanisms of OH radicals. In detail, OH radicals in the far afterglow of a plasma jet are mainly produced from the reactions of water dissociation with metastables (Arm and
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